Residential buildings in New World are a fun feature. The developers tried to make sure that the opportunity to find their own corner was available to everyone. Especially those who play regularly will appreciate the benefits of the hearth.

However, just like in real life, players will have to try hard to get their own home.


How to open the possibility of buying a home?

To buy a house, you need to complete many tasks, and the most important of them - you need to reach a sufficient level of the character.


The opportunity opens after reaching level 15. It seems simple, it is achieved quickly and without much effort, but it is too early to rejoice: you need to fulfill a few more conditions. This will take much more time and effort than pumping a level, so it's better not to get hung up on it.

Money, money, money!

Buying a home requires a lot of gold. Depending on the plot (house) that you purchase, the number of available buildings varies. Before buying, you can walk around the city and see all the possible options. The larger the house, the more expensive.

If you buy a house one of the first, you can get a 50% discount on this place. In the future, this will reduce the monetary losses that will arise due to unpleasantly high taxes.

The most modest house is one-story, small in area. Such a house costs 2,500 coins with a 50% discount and, to be honest, is not worth your money.

The level of the character's reputation in this settlement


This is perhaps the most difficult requirement. The required level of reputation depends on the specific house: the larger the house, the higher your reputation in the city should be.

The minimum required level is 10, and this will only be enough to buy the smallest house. Larger houses open at levels 15, 20, and 30, respectively. Each city has its own Reputation Score, so make sure to take on Reputation Assignments in the city where you plan to buy a house.

As in real life, game designers see buying a home in New World as an incredibly important decision. There are affordable houses in many areas, so it is better to immediately decide on the city in which you plan to buy a nest, and deal with this issue as quickly as possible so as not to miss out on a significantly tangible discount.

How to improve your reputation?

You can get character reputation points in the city by consistently completing city missions. Each time, 3 tasks are published on the city board. They can be completed in parallel with other quests.

Completing missions brings you +250, +500 or +750 to reputation, depending on the difficulty. A nice addition to this is the opportunity to simultaneously improve your skills, for example, fishing or mining.

For example, you may be tasked with delivering random supplies that can be found by exploring the area. It's helpful to get in the habit of always collecting various materials along the way, even if you don't need them at the moment. Just in case.

Also, you can get reputation points by killing monsters near the city. To achieve the desired result faster, combine this with other tasks. Prioritize tracking city missions to complete them even faster.

Is it possible to buy multiple houses?

Yes. As long as the number of houses on the territory does not exceed the maximum allowable number, you can buy how many plots, how much money and reputation will last. It should be borne in mind that with each new home you have additional costs for its maintenance. You will have to work a lot.

Buying a house


Fast travel

In addition to hotels, which allow you to teleport from anywhere, teleport to a home also has a separate cooldown.

This is very convenient, since when traveling around the world, you can spend more than 30 minutes on the road. An additional teleport will save not only time, but also Azoth.

The recovery time for each house will be different: the larger the house, the faster the ability is restored. For example, in Windsward, the time to restore the cheapest house is 4 hours, and the most expensive one is 2 hours.

More comfort

For some, buying your own home can be a final touch. Just for aesthetics. You can even have pets.

Your home is visible only to those who want to come to visit you, while others will only see the “Buy a home” interaction. That is, each player has the opportunity to buy a plot even if it already belongs to another player.

You can view all the players who own the same lot as you.

If this side of the game is one of your biggest goals in New World, then it definitely makes sense for you to look for a bigger house. There is even a leaderboard for this, which we are on talk later.

Buffs for trophies

Trophies can be placed in each house. Each trophy allows you to get buffs that give various advantages in battle or, for example, in crafting.

However, buffs remain active only in the area where the house is located. As soon as you leave the territory, the effect will disappear.

The larger the house, the more slots for trophies, which means more buffs.



Even before buying a house, you can immediately see the amount that you will have to pay every week to maintain it.

Do not be afraid of confiscation: if taxes are not paid, then the house will simply be temporarily turned off. Buffs, teleports, decorating, and leaderboards will not be available. As soon as you make a payment, all functions will be restored.

The amount of the tax depends on the size of the house: the cheapest house will require 500 coins per week, and the most expensive - 1000 (for example, Windsward housing).

Homeowners Rating


After purchasing a house, a list of owners who also own this land plot becomes available to you. To open it, you need to go out onto the porch and press the button for interacting with the house.

The leaderboard is a kind of competition between the owners of the same lot.

Each house has its own points. The point system is determined by the rating from each piece of furniture in the game, and simply increases the value of your home.

The disadvantage of the system is that it does not take into account the overall design, which means that the rating can be increased simply by spamming with certain furniture, without worrying about beauty. However, it stimulates to take care of the quantity and quality of the selected interior elements.

The top-rated hosts have a random chance to showcase their home as part of the city's landscape, which means to all players on the server passing by the site.

Leaderboard Rewards

Let's look at how the New World Homeowner Leaderboard works with a specific example. You are player A, and you have a house on plot A. Your house is in the top 20 among all owners of plot A. Player B is walking past your plot, and instead of a regular house, he randomly displays your house!

Player B himself owns a house on plot B, but is not included in the top 20 of its owners. Therefore, he will see his house on site B, but player A will not be shown his house until player B enters the top 20 best owners on site B.

You can manually visit each of the houses on the leaderboards by simply selecting any name and pressing the Enter key.