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New World Roadmap 2023: Season 1
New World developers Amazon Games Studio just published a roadmap for the Spring and Summer of 2023! Including Transmog, Raid Groups, New expedition Empyrean Forge and Gear Set Storage System!
Plans of AGS for Spring 2023 include (in order of how awaited it is!):
New World Gear Set Storage System
Everyone has been waiting for this update for too long! And it's incredible to hear that it's finally coming! While we have been expecting it to arrive at the game
Springtide Bloom Event
If anything AGS knows how to do to please adventurers then it's clearly events for New World! While full of fun and great unique items and skins, we have seen how those events improve over time and become more interesting with the example of the Turkulon event. And hey, the most awaited event for everyone in the new world guide is Winter Convergence. And if they will improve the Winter event over the previous version then there are no doubts that Springtide Bloom will really rock. And hey, you're also waiting for meteors to fall from the sky once again, aren't you? ❄️
Empyrean Forge Expedition
We don't know much about it but after Ennead there's nothing more awaited than new expeditions
MSQ Improvements

New World Summer 2023 Roadmap
Let's now dive into what coming this summer ;)
This is our most awaited feature in New World :D
And it's easy to guess why! Just check out our recent post showing our Transmog 3D Viewer ;)
Raid Groups & Sandword Elite Trial
A lot of players tend to compare New World and WoW with each other. But one of the biggest issues with wow is the amount of content being moved out of the game when the new big update is delivered as it happened with Dragonflight. There are no real raids in New World right now - but the same we can say about Wow! It's great that a sane comparison of games soon will hugely favor New World as one of the leaders among MMORPG games
Crossworld Outpost Rush
It was a hard decision to put this one below Raids and Sandworm, but I honestly believe that while this change is a very important one - and a super awaited one - getting raids is something that will mobilize players to play more often and on regular basis. After all, not only New World players have been asking about raids. Raids are something a lot of players do expect to have in a large-scale MMO, especially when the game is one year 👀
Summer Medleyfaire

As we mentioned before - events are something AGS knows how to make right. But there's probably no event to be comparable to cross server OPR and (finally!) the introduction of so long-awaited Raids in New World. The sad part about all those changes is the amount of time we will have till they will reach live servers 😂
Usual reminder: New World Roadmap is subject to change
As always, it's important to remind (everyone does it - including AGS) that any Roadmap is subject to change. So while we all are really waiting for those updates to reach live servers ASAP it would be wise to keep in mind that they actually may reach production a bit later than they have been announced. Hopefully this time AGS will do a great job at polishing an update before releasing it. At least recent track of records shows us that ability to execute planned roadmap has been increased significantly since last game release
Link to the original tweet of AGS with a roadmap: